
Starfield Character Creator is Inspired By Real-Life Genetic Engineering


Leaning heavily into its scientific roots, Starfield's Character Creator cleverly takes inspiration from a fascinating real-life DNA separation process.

June 14, 2022

Bethesda’s Starfield made waves at the Xbox & Bethesda 2022 Showcase, showing off extensive looks at brand new gameplay. The game, like the universe it seeks to capture, is expansive and mysterious, inviting players to seek an adventure amongst the stars. Even cooler, fans got a look at the game’s extensive customization systems – one of the many iconic aspects of Bethesda games.

With RPGs like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 76 in its catalogue, Bethesda has become well-known for its highly detailed character creators. Players have no shortage of options when it comes to facial features, hair, and tones, and it looks like Starfield will be no different. Though, it seems Starfield has taken a page out of a genetics textbook to create a unique scifi character creator.


Heavily steeped in the scifi aesthetic, it makes complete sense for Starfield to incorporate elements from scientific processes. Even further, it makes sense to incorporate those elements into the very process of character creation. After all, it’s a brand new space age; what better way is there to build the perfect space explorer then by looking at their very DNA?

As seen in the trailer, players will be able to build their characters in a lab-like setting. As with other Bethesda games, it seems Starfield has a number of extensive options when it comes to different character elements. The coolest part? The visual design of the UI sliders takes inspiration from a real process used to study DNA fragments.

Starfield Character Creator sliders on left, Actual DNA samples on right

Originally posted on the r/Starfield subreddit, the image above compares the game’s UI to images of actual DNA samples. The process scientists use to achieve that kind of DNA imaging is called “gel electrophoresis.” Extremely simply put, this method allows scientists to separate and organize pieces of DNA by their size. The resulting picture creates a cool ladder of different DNA sections – something that translates well to nodes on a slider.

Additionally, it seems like these sliders aren’t the only aspect with roots in real genetic science. The Starfield character creator also goes on to indicate that “Biometric customizations can be changed later by visiting a genetics facility.” Bethesda has yet to reveal the full extent and purpose of these genetic facilities, but it’s possible they’ll incorporate other elements of real-life science as well.

After the gameplay trailer, fans seems more excited than ever for Starfield’s release. It displays a promising meld of futuristic elements with current science, making it feel fresh without being overly fantastical. Though its actual release date is still a ways away, Starfield is slated for a 2023 launch for Xbox consoles and PC.

Natalie Schmidt

Natalie (She/Her) is a writer and game design enthusiast hailing from way-too-sunny Los Angeles. She loves to dissect game narrative and analyze mechanics, but she doesn’t even want to think about how many hours she’s spent playing D&D or The Witcher 3. Aside from triple-A adventures, she’s passionate about RPGs of all kinds and meaningful representation in games

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