
What Is The Wordle Answer Today? #392 Hints & Tips For Saturday, July 16

Happy weekend, because here comes another Wordle for July 16! We've got everything you need to solve the puzzle if you're struggling.

July 16, 2022

Welcome in the weekend, because with it comes July 16’s Wordle! We hope you’ve been having fun guessing this week’s words, or at the very least been learning more in-depth definitions of some of English’s common words. That’s the great thing about Wordle, isn’t it? You can learn and have fun with a challenging puzzle at the same time!

Today’s word is another adjective, and while it may be somewhat simple, its spelling can still trip you up. If you’re looking for some helpful hints or the final answer itself, we’ve got everything you need to solve July 16’s Wordle.


Wordle Hints & Tips For Saturday, July 16

As previously mentioned, today’s word is an adjective. People would use this word to describe something that is very spacious/has a lot of space – like an open living room, an oversized sweater, or a large car.

Like yesterday’s word, today’s puzzle also has a repeat letter – another vowel repeat. This means there are only four unique letters in the spelling. Again, we suggest that you rule out as many vowels ahead of time as possible to help you figure out which one might be the repeat. Be careful though – this word utilizes one of English’s less-common vowels in its spelling too!

If you find that you still need more help, today’s word begins with an “R” and ends with a “Y“. We will have the final answer reveal coming up next.

What Is The Wordle Answer Today? (Saturday, July 16)

The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle is “ROOMY“.

While “roomy” is another common descriptor, its usage of both the double “o” and the “y” make it a surprisingly tricky Wordle to guess. Let us know in the comments how many tries it took you to land on the answer!

Wordle updates on the NY Times website each day at midnight, so you can take on the next Wordle puzzle right when the next day rolls around. We’ll be here with another guide containing hints and details of the next puzzle, so check on back if you find yourself struggling! Good luck with the weekend Wordlers!

Natalie Schmidt

Natalie (She/Her) is a writer and game design enthusiast hailing from way-too-sunny Los Angeles. She loves to dissect game narrative and analyze mechanics, but she doesn’t even want to think about how many hours she’s spent playing D&D or The Witcher 3. Aside from triple-A adventures, she’s passionate about RPGs of all kinds and meaningful representation in games

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