
Elden Ring Cosplayer Suits Up in Battle-Ready Raging Wolf Armor

March 23, 2022

Elden Ring fan Johnny Goodwill prepares himself for battle with his awesome cosplay recreation of Elden Ring‘s Raging Wolf Armor set.

From the Bull-Goat Set to the Tree Sentinel Set, FromSoftware’s armor designs are among the coolest. Like with any RPG, players are able to customize their builds and looks with no small number of armor sets. Many have actually become fan-favorites in the Elden Ring community.

Of course, the Raging Wolf armor became popular among Elden Ring fans specifically because of its visual design. Originally, the Raging Wolf armor set was worn by the old Bloody Wolf class from Elden Ring‘s November 2021 Closed Network Test. Tailored for Dexterity-based characters, this armor set provides style and worthwhile defense without much weight.


Now, one Elden Ring fan brought the armor from game to real-life in an incredible Elden Ring Raging Wolf Armor Cosplay.


Hailing from sun-soaked Georgia, USA, cosplayer Johnny Goodwill (@sunlightofastora) is a master of recreation. Dedicated to bringing his favorite characters to life as accurately and realistically as possible, he’s been crafting cosplays for nearly 6 years. His work exemplifies the art of cosplay, and he’s brought his creative touch to Elden Ring.

Following Elden Ring’s launch, Goodwill posted this incredible recreation of the Raging Wolf Armor Set on the r/gaming subreddit. From the shredded cloth to the weathered leather to the carefully carved detailwork, his armor looks as great in real life as it does in the game.

Cosplay by: @sunlightofastoria | Photo by: @dimhorizonstudios

Additionally, the photography, done by Dim Horizon Studio, creates a gorgeous sense of place for this cosplay. Using just a bit of color grading, the natural golden-hour sunlight reflects beautifully off the metal. Goodwill also stated that the goal was to get the Erdtree’s golden glow throughout all the photos to be as accurate as possible.

Incredibly, Goodwill finished this Raging Wolf cosplay a week before the game initially launched. The whole process took over a month – shockingly short considering the level of detail in this costume.

Funnily enough, he actually hasn’t used the Raging Wolf armor set in-game yet. In reality, he’s a big fan of the bloodhound armor, and plans to recreate that armor set next. But for now, we’ll have to wait to see his next piece of wearable Elden Ring art! Though, keep your eyes on his Instagram and YouTube for a video documenting his cosplay process!

Finally, for any fans wanting to try out Elden Ring themselves, the game is available to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Natalie Schmidt

Natalie (She/Her) is a writer and game design enthusiast hailing from way-too-sunny Los Angeles. She loves to dissect game narrative and analyze mechanics, but she doesn’t even want to think about how many hours she’s spent playing D&D or The Witcher 3. Aside from triple-A adventures, she’s passionate about RPGs of all kinds and meaningful representation in games

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